domingo, 25 de novembro de 2012

Exercicios Ingles 9 Ano

1)Assinale a tradução correta
Where is the nurse?

a. Enfermeira
b. Nutricionista
c. Médica

The flight attendant will help you.

a. Aeromoça
b. Piloto
c. Policial
My mother is a housewife.
a. Faxineira
b. Dona de casa
c. Médica

We need a lawyer.

a. Dentista
b. Médico
c. Advogado
2) Relacione as profissões e ocupações de acordo com tradução correta
a) Cantor                                            (   )Scientist 
b) Cientista                                          (   )Singer 
c) Enfermeira                                       (   )Farmer 
d) Fazendeiro                                      (   )Nurse 
e) Dona de casa                                  (   )Lawyer
f) Contador                                         (   )Hairdresser
g) Cabeleireiro                         (   )Accountant
h) Advogado                                       (   )Housewife

4) Escreva as frases na forma comparativa.

a) I – old – you.

b) Mary – beautiful – Jane.
c) Carol – young – you.

d) This lesson – easy – the last one.

5) Escreva as frases na forma

a) The Nile – long river in the world.

b) Julie – beautiful girl in my class.

c) The airplane – comfortable means of transportation.

d) This – extraordinary man I know.

Ted, Bob, Mary and Jane like sports.They are in the club now.
Ted likes basketball. He is playing basketball.
Bob likes football. He is playing football.

He is shooting the ball now.
Mary likes tennis. She is playing tennis with Roberta.
Jane likes to swim.
An old man is reading a newspaper.
Sports are good to develop our body and our mind.

    Answer: (Responda:)

5) Ted, Bob, Mary and Jane: a) (   ) like music
b) (   ) like sports
c) (   ) like eat

6) Ted likes: a) (   ) football
b) (   ) like eat
c) (   ) basketball
7) Jane:
a) (   ) likes to play tennis
b) (   )likes to house
c) (    likes to swim

8) An old man:
a) (   ) is reading a newspaper
b) (   ) is reading a book
c) (   ) is reading a magazine

19)Assinale a tradução correta
How old is your niece?
 a. Sobrinha
b. Tia
c. Sobrinho

My nephew is going to college.
a. Sobrinho
b. Primo
c. Irmão
Do you have a big brother?
a. Primo
b. Irmão
c. Tio

My sister isn't here.
a. Sobrinha
b. Irmã
c. Prima

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