domingo, 25 de novembro de 2012

Exercicios Ingles 8 Ano

1)Assinale a tradução correta dos termos  destacados
Mary's father is an important accountant.

a. Empresario
b. Contador                    
c. Banqueiro

What's the hairdresser's phone number?

a. Secador de cabelo
b. Cabeleireiro          
c. Manicure
I want to talk to the manager.

a. Empresario
b. Tecnico    
c. Gerente

John is a good chef.
a. Chefe de cozinha
b. Pizzaiolo
c. Massagista


2)Assinale a tradução correta
Joana is my grandmother. She is very nice to me. 
a. Madrinha
b. Avó                         
c. Tia

My uncle is a teacher.
a. Pato
b. Tio
c. Primo                   
Mary is a great aunt.
a. Tio

b. Tia
c. Velha           

She is John's cousin.
a. Prima
b. Tia
c. Menina

3) Pass to Present Continuous negative form.  (Passe as frases para forma negativa usando o Present Continuous)

a) He is leave for Paris tomorrow. 

b) You are study English. 

c) They are play volleyball.

d) She is wash the dishes. 

4) Pass to Present Continuous interrogative form.  (Passe as frases para forma interrogativa  usando o Present Continuous)

a) He is leave for Paris tomorrow. 

b) You are study English. 

c) They are play volleyball. 

d) She is wash the dishes. 

5) Relacione as profissões e ocupações de acordo com tradução correta
a) Cantor                                            (   )Scientist
b) Cientista                                          (   )Singer 
c) Enfermeira                                       (   )Farmer
d) Fazendeiro                                      (   )Nurse 
e) Contador                                        (   )Hairdresser
f) Cabeleireiro                                      (   )Accountant
g) Gerente                                           (   )Chef 
h) Chefe de cozinha                             (   )Manager

Leiam o texto a seguir - Read the following text

It’s ten in the morning and Michael is sleeping. He is sleeping in a big bedroom in a hotel. His secretary is talking to his fans and answering emails. The manager is making the arrangements for Michael’s show. Outside the hotel there are people waiting to see Michael. The police is helping to control the situation. His fans are saying, “I love you Michael”. Everyone wants to go to his concert because he is the best. He is a great singer and a wonderful dancer too.The show is tonight and I won't miss it.

Sleep: dormir
Manager: gerente, empresário
Bedroom: quarto
Talk: conversar
Answer: responder
Make arrangements: fazer preparativos
Say: dizer
Outside: do lado de fora
Wait to see: esperar para ver
Miss: perder

Respondam as perguntas – Answer the questions

6) Where is Michael sleeping?(onde Michael esta durmindo)
a.(   )Bedroom
b.(   )Classroom
c.(   )Bathroom
d.(   )Kitchen.

7) Who talking to his fans and answering emails?(Quem esta conversando com seus fãs e respondendo e-mails)
a.(   )Manager
b.(   )Secretary
c.(   )Singer
d.(   )Bob Sinclair

8) Who is making the arrangements for show?( Quem esta fazendo os arranjos pra show)
a.(   )Manager
b.(   )Secretary
c.(   )Police
d.(   )Michael

9)What are his fans saying?( o que seus fãs estão dizendo)
a.(   )I love Michael
b.(   )I love Police
c.(   )Dead Michael
d.(   )Michael

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